You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 7, 2008.

I have always wondered – and I am sure there are many others who do too – if there really are enlightened beings today! And just like anyone else, I have my own “model(s)” of enlightenment which I constantly use in order to evaluate the writings and teachings of so-called “masters”. It is a very tricky business, and for quite some time I have been very much aware of the severe limitations I impose upon myself by using those models: how can I even have a model of enlightenment if I don’t know what enlightenment means. This is even more problematic considering the fact that there is a growing consensus now that “enlightenment” is not the correct term to use; rather, “awakening” is more accurate!

So, with the above in mind, when I listened to this particular show/podcast titled “Enlightened Teachers” on Buddhist Geeks, wherein Daniel M. Ingram talks about arahatships and the like, my mind was immediately drawn to the topic in discussion. What is particularly striking is the fact that Daniel claims he is an arahat/arahant and writes more about it in this essay. He seems to be able to cut all that crap about enlightenment that one hears from different sources (including tradition) and talk directly to the practitioner. The feeling one gets is that it is possible, after all!

The show is just 12 mins long and the essay isn’t too long either. I would be interested in any kind of comment/feedback from readers of this blog. Thanks!

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May 2008
