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A quote from one of Shunryu Suzuki’s book.

The purpose of studying Buddhism is not to study Buddhism but to study ourselves. It is impossible to study ourselves without some teaching… We need some teaching, but just by studying the teaching alone, it is impossible to know what ‘I’ in myself am. Through the teaching we may understand our human nature. But the teaching is not we ourselves; it is some explanation of ourselves. So if you are attached to the teaching, or to the teacher, you should leave the teacher, and you should be independent. You need a teacher so that you can become independent. If you are not attached to him[her], the teacher will show you the way to yourself.

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Q: What is Buddhism?

A: It is kinda like a hippie religion, but no drugs. (Heard on Youtube!)

A Zen Master and his three disciples were once meditating by the side of a river. There was a flag (on a pole) nearby that was fluttering in a strong wind. The novice visibly disturbed remarked, “The flag is flapping.” The junior monk smiled on hearing this, and with his eyes closed, replied, “The wind is flapping.” The senior monk on hearing this, retorts, “The mind is flapping.” The Zen master visibly annoyed: “Mouths are flapping.”

1) Why does Bodhidharma have no beard?

2) Where do you go when you die?

A Zen master is surrounded by his monks at his deathbed. The senior monk leans over and asks the master for any final words of wisdom he may have for his monks. The old master weakly says, “Tell them that Truth is like a river.” The senior monk relays this message on to the other monks. The youngest monk in the group is confused, and asks, “What does he mean that Truth is like a river?” The senior monk relays this question back to the master, who sends the reply, “Okay, Truth is not like a river.”

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April 2008
